Spina iliaca anterior superior
Foramen obturatum
Lig, sacrotuberale
Foramen ischiadicum minus
Apertura pelvis inferior
Tuber ischiadicum
k -k = Pelvic axis
a -b = Anatomical conjugate
a -e = Diagonal conjugate
12 5-13 cm
a -c = True conjugate
10 4-11 cm
= Sagittal diameter of the
pelvic brim 12-12.5 cm
= Sagittal diameter of the
pelvic constriction
11-11.5 cm
= Sagittal diameter of the
pelvic outlet (= Distantia
9-10 cm
Spina iliaca anterior inferior
Apertura pelvis superior
Foramen ischiadicum majus
Lig sacrospinale
e -g
e -f
Fig. 1221
Pelvis, Pelvis;
dimensions in the female;
median section.
a -a
b -b
c -c
= Crestal distance
28-29 cm*
= Anterior spinal distance
25-26 cm*
= Posterior spinal distance
(width of the sacrum)
10 cm
* In this perspective, the crestal
distance appears shorter than
the anterior spinal distance
Fig. 1222
Pelvis, Pelvis,
dimensions in the female
d -d = Transverse diameter
of the pelvic brim
(= interacetabuiar line)
12-12.5 cm
e -e = Transverse diameter of
the pelvic constriction
(= interspinal line)
10 5 cm
f- f = Transverse diameter of
the pelvic outlet
(= tuberal diameter)
11-12 cm)
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